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From: john
Date: 09/03/2006

You still have gabys clothing on fulton between crescent and
hemlock,he's been there about 40 years. I remember longs ice
cream parlor, Tilotttas, hamburg savings bank across the
street, rockies hair stylist first on crescent then on
fulton st, my scout leader bradley wilkins who still lives
on hemlock st, st andrews church on richmond st where we had
troop meetings, highland park where we learned how to play
baseball, ps 65, is 171, jacks pizza, Gentis corner market,
cypress plumbing which still exists today, the printing shop
on fulton and euclid where the old man walked with a limp
and had a big german sheperd guarding the door. and many
more great memories.

Reply #1
Date: 09/03/2006
Wasnt there a Gem movie theater on Fulton st by the hamburg
savings bank.

Reply #2
From: Barbara Cooper (
Date: 10/08/2006
My grandparents lived at 95 Shephard Ave. for years-they
moved to Va. in the early '60s. My Mom and Dad were married
in 1941 at Andrews M.E. Church on Richmond St. I remember
going to Highland Park to play as a kid. The house on
Shephard Ave. had an apartment downstairs, and one upstairs
where my grandparents lived. My grandfather was a

Reply #3
From: Donald Hulslander (
Date: 02/11/2007
Yes, the Gem theater occupied the space that was later a
parking lot for the Hamburg Savings bank about mid way
between Crescent and Hemlock.

Reply #4
From: dan (
Date: 04/21/2007
I whent to 171 1958-1960 then east new york voc.& tech h.s.
Had my hear cut at rockies. remember longs and tilotttas. My
friends would meet at a Greek dinner on fultion street, then
walk to high school.

Reply #5
From: Barbara Cooper (
Date: 08/06/2009
Does anyone remember a house fire on Shephard Ave. in (possible)early 50's? It
would have been my grandparents housthey lived upstairs and escaped by walking
the ledge on 2nd floor to the house next door.

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