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From: ex-brooklyn guy
Date: 07/12/2007

It was an excellent documentary. Moses was an s.o.b. in many
ways. O'Malley was an s.o.b. in many ways but he had a ball
club to run competing with other ball clubs. Moses was on
the public payroll his entire life. Look how Moses made
then-Mayor Wagner look like the wimp that he was. Ebbetts
Field's neighborhood was becoming a sewer, and the fan
behavior was getting to be a problem. If O'Malley had kissed
Moses's rear end and gone to Flushing Meadows all the Dodger
whiners would still be whining today that their beloved
team, with crummy attendance, had left Brooklyn.

In 1957 Los Angeles, California was the American promised
land. It was governed by people, of both parties, who were
committed to seeing their city and state prosper. We had
Robert Wagner who was cowed by Robert Moses. Anyplace else
in Brooklyn O'Malley would have been stopped by Moses.
Whether at Atlantic & Flatbush or out on the Belt Parkway
near where Kings Plaza is today.

Reply #1
From: Sharon (
Date: 07/17/2007
I'm an ex Brooklynite, having now relocated to Ga. I didn't
see the special on the Brooklyn Dodgers yet, but the next
time I can catch it on HBO, I think I'll watch it after
reading your e-mail.

I remember the Ebbets Field area, if I remember correctly,
didn't they put a co-op there?.....I remember having to
ride.....I think it was the #47 bus back and forth to school
somewhere in that area.  I don't know a lot about the
Brooklyn Dodgers, as far as playing at Ebbets Field I
remember my Mom and Dad talking about the games there
though.  Any way take care and again, I think I'll check
that HBO special out.

Reply #2
From: Bernadette (
Date: 07/17/2007
This special was unbelievable!  I enjoyed every minute of it
especially since I attended a junior high school (I.S.
391)not too far from Ebbetts Field.  Anyway, it should be a
MUST SEE for all Brooklynites.  Still proud and always
represent for my hometown - Brooklyn!!!

Reply #3
From: ex-brooklyn guy
Date: 07/19/2007
What's amazing and kind of crazy is that some Brooklynites
are still upset over this 50 years later. They still vilify
O'Malley which is childish.

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