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From: michelle (
Date: 12/12/2006

i have a united clock corp model 419. would like to know how
old is it and its vaule

Reply #1
From: wendy (
Date: 12/17/2006
I have just recently acquired my grandmother�s clock that
has a burning fireplace in the background on the right side.
I would greatly appreciate any information on this clock and
the history and price of it. This clock has a number 455 on
the back of it, the left side is your typical clock with the
word �United�, and on the right is a fireplace scene that
you can turn on from the back by clicking a button to make
the light on to see the flame and moving a bar from side to
side to make the flame move fast or slow within the mantel.
Can someone please give me some information on the clock and
perhaps the company that made it or what year it was made? 
Thank you in advance

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