Original Message:
From: FRED MEGLIO (TYANDTODD1217@AOL.COM)Date: 09/07/2006
hi im from ridgewood also gates ave between wilson and knickerbocker ave born 1463 gates ave work at brandlers bakerey 1463 gates ave near irving ave,went to saint barbras school blecket street and central ave i am 61 years old now what great times we had in the 50s 60s it went down hill in the 70s druggs fires low lifes moving in our area. took over the entire areas. welfare crime so sad i left in 1979 went back to vist in 1993 i was shock to see what was left boy did i cry!!! i re call the sunday danceing at st bridgets church doo oop music singing on corners many great friends cream palor jux boxes brown stone home line up in rows. german itlan irsih jewish everyone got along well. boy i wish i could turn back the time.all the movie houses so beautiful inside.i will take all the fond memories to my grave. i wish i had old pics. thanks for the web site fred meglio and family